
Meet Inna Buschell, executive coach

Inna Buschell is a Certified Executive coach who works with executives, Lawyers, entrepreneurs, and high potential leaders in order to reach their goals and achieve their maximum potential.

Inna is passionate about facilitating the success of her clients by providing coaching that is custom-tailored to meet each client’s unique needs and help them permanently shift their professional lives. She provides support as clients clarify their goals and develop action plans to achieve success; and keeps them accountable so they implement those plans.

Inna works with a broad range of clients including Fortune 500 executives, lawyers, leaders in large and mid-sized companies, start-up executives and entrepreneurs, and aspiring leaders who want to up their game. No matter who the client, Inna’s dedication remains the same: igniting her clients’ passion to work and achieve their maximum potential in order to achieve personal fulfillment while simultaneously driving their professional growth.

Inna holds a BA in Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences from Wellesley College where she worked as a public speaking tutor. Inna attended Berkeley Law School and spent years working in the legal profession before receiving her  certification as an executive coach from U.C. Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.

Inna’s Specialities Include:

  • Executive and leadership coaching

  • Executive coaching for lawyers

  • Professional transition coaching

  • Public speaking and high impact communications coaching

  • Coaching in the areas of executive presence, decision-making, team building, and leadership development.

Inna’s clients include lawyers, executives, and managers from:

  • Boston Consulting Group

  • Oracle

  • Moody’s

  • The United Nations

  • The New York Department of Education

  • John Wiley & Sons, Inc

  • Uber

  • And more!


“Inna has been a reaffirming and motivational resource throughout this transition period I decided to finally go on. I wasn’t sure about coaching and told her so from the get go. We were very open about each other’s expectations. She has definitely surpassed mine! I knew I needed to be proactive in making a professional transition, but I kept putting it off for no reason other than fear. Inna has been my sounding board and the voice of reason in this process. She holds me accountable which has me actively working towards my goals. I love her kindness and empathy when she provides feedback.” - Nahyeli, Seattle Public Schools District

“I'm so happy to be working with Inna. She's given me the strong push I needed to get out of my professional comfort zone and is coaching me to build a solid foundation for success going forward. She asks just the right questions to focus my thinking and helps me develop an actionable to-do list at each session so I can work towards achieving my objectives. I envision Inna being a part of the decision making process for a long time to come.” - Ashima, John Wiley & Sons

“I began working with Inna when I was at a major transition point in my career. I was feeling overwhelmed by all the options to consider and choices to make. There were lots of things I knew I could do, but I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. In the space of a few hours of work, Inna was able to guide me in narrowing down the options to a manageable number. Our conversations combined with actionable homework enabled me to reach a much greater level of clarity about my path forward.” - Becky, Grantley Solutions

“Working with Inna has been such a pleasure: she's a gifted listener, and was great at helping me define my goals, break them up into manageable chunks, and tackle them in a way that works for me. She remains focused on the plan that we've made, but is always open to new approaches or alterations depending on my needs. I loved having someone supportive yet objective there with me each step of the way, asking question after question until we've gotten to the core of my issue. Most importantly, I've gotten into a habit of unpacking my assumptions, and always asking what more can be done and how -- something that'll stay with me long beyond our coaching sessions.” - Maša, United Nations