One-on-One Coaching

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Executive and Leadership Coaching: PErsonal development that leads to professional growth.

Executive coaching facilitates and promotes the effectiveness of leaders. It’s focused on increasing self awareness, leadership skills, and communication skills that support high performers to excel and enable leaders to drive organizational success. Key aspects of executive coaching include:

  • Executive presence: Teach your leaders how to present themselves so that others see them as the leader they are: project self-confidence, authenticity, empathy, gravitas and poise; develop the ability to stay calm under pressure, and leadership qualities that inspire trust and generate buy-in.

  • Communication skills: From preparing for critical meetings to hallway chats to Q&A’s to the boardroom, help your leaders learn to communicate confidently to any audience in any setting.

  • Conflict management and resolution skills: Great leaders need to know how to manage both internal and external conflicts constructively. Teach your leaders how to resolve disputes quickly and effectively by developing skills to build transparency, and understand intention, cooperation, collaboration, and common purpose.

  • Transitioning roles: Help your leaders adjust to their new role and develop the necessary expertise to meet and exceed their new expectations.

  • Social and emotional intelligence: Social and emotional intelligence matters at least as much as IQ, if not more, in the performance of a great leader. Help your executives learn the necessary skills - from trust building to collaboration to managing emotions - in order to harness and maximize the potential of their teams.

  • Time management and prioritization skills: Help your leaders manage their overflowing plates by learning how to prioritize without getting burned out.

Public speaking and communications coaching

Leadership effectiveness is directly tied to your ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Learn how to tap into your authentic self to connect with any audience. Learn how to:

  • Build confidence in your presentation skills

  • Distill complex ideas into simple messaging

  • Read your audience

  • Present persuasively to get buy-in

  • Overcome nervousness

  • Establish likability

  • Handle Q&A’s with confidence

  • Use body language

  • Convey credibility

  • Use storytelling

  • Project your voice

  • Use visual aids effectively

  • Create a powerful emotional connection with your audience


Coaching for entrepreneurs: Build your dream into something significant.

You started with a dream to build something significant. Now, you’re overwhelmed with constant decisions, unrelenting questions, and an ever growing to-do list. Learn:

  • How to be the best leader for your company

  • Time management, prioritization, and delegation skills

  • Team building skills

  • High impact communication skills

  • How to build open, honest, trust based relationships

  • Conflict management skills

  • How to build your social emotional intelligence

  • Business planning

  • Marketing Strategy

  • The art and science of setting and achieving goals

  • How to grow your company

professional transition coaching

Find a job you love by finding work that aligns with your values, passion and definition of success.

Figure out what you want to do next:  Explore your values and personal definition of success in order to investigate potential paths before settling on one, or a few, to delve deeper into.

Search and network where you want to work: Develop a plan to search strategically and take advantage of your network (hint: it’s much larger than you realize!).

Prepare for interviews: Get ready for tough questions and learn how to demonstrate why you’re the right candidate for the job. Come prepared with the most important takeaways you want to leave with your interviewer.

Negotiate offers: Make a plan to negotiate smarter and get the offer you want.