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Executive and Leadership coaching

Helping you achieve your goals through professional development and personal growth.

Meet Inna Buschell

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Inna is a certified executive coach who works with executives, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and high potential leaders in order to help them reach their goals and achieve their maximum potential.

She facilitates the success of her clients by providing coaching that is custom-tailored to meet each client’s unique needs and help them permanently shift their professional lives. She provides support as clients clarify their goals and develop action plans to achieve success; and keeps them accountable so they implement those plans.

More About Inna & Her Work


Working with Inna has been such a pleasure: she’s a gifted listener, and was great at helping me define my goals.
— Maša, United Nations
Inna has given me the strong push I needed to get out of my professional comfort zone and is coaching me to build a solid foundation for success going forward.
— Ashima, John Wiley & Sons
Inna holds me accountable which has me actively working towards my goals. I love her kindness and empathy when she provides feedback.
— Nahyeli, Seattle Public Schools District 
Our conversations combined with actionable homework enabled me to reach a much greater level of clarity about my path forward.
— Becky, Grantley Solutions
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One-on-One Coaching

Executive coaching: Personal development that leads to professional growth.


Executive Coaching for Lawyers

Elevate your practice to the next level: coaching for partners, associates, and corporate counsel.

Group Coaching

Shift your team from acceptable to exceptional.



Customized workshops that build individual and team performance and set you up for success.


What is Executive Coaching?

Executive coaching is, above all else, a partnership between a trained coach and an individual or team. Coaching supports and facilitates the successful achievement of goals set by the individual or team. Unlike a consultant or mentor, the coach generally doesn’t offer advice, nor is it the role of the coach to work on “issues” or get into the past like a therapist would do. Instead, the coach provides structure, support, and conceptual tools to help their clients identify the concrete actions they can take to reach their goals.

Let’s Work Together

Contact me to learn more about our executive, leadership and career coaching programs.